Test-fit basic zoning requirements

Analyze whether your design fits within the site limits. You can explore further by turning on and off certain layers in Building design data to test fit different variations.

Site area

Site area information is needed to view BCR and FAR of your building. Site area value can be entered in Zoning Data Settings.


  • Building Coverage Ratio: The ratio of usable site area to the total site area.

  • Floor Area Ratio: The ratio of the maximum number of floors that can be built based on the site area. In Deepform, floor area calculated for Floor Area Ratio does not take into account any floor area that is below grade (ie B1, B2, …).

  • Building Height: The height of a building, excluding any underground levels.

  • Parking Spaces: Number of parking spaces.


The range of values that are legally allowed for each item in the project. These values must be entered directly through the Zoning Data Settings. The percentage(%) displayed on the screen shows what percentage(%) of the Site Area each item's value falls within.


The values calculated for each item in the building design that has been uploaded. These values are automatically generated when the file is uploaded. The percentage(%) displayed on the screen shows what percentage(%) of the Site Area each item's value falls within.

Designed to Allowance

The ratio of the Designed value to the Allowable value. This value can be used to review the suitability of the designed building and the project standards.

Last updated